Independent Occupational TherapistJULIE SWANN![]() DisclaimerWebsite contentCare is taken with the compilation of these pages to ensure they contain appropriate accurate information and links. However, this site provides links to sites that contain third party data. We do not check the accuracy or validity of all the data on these sites and as such have no opinion about, or responsibility for, such data. We therefore disclaim any warranty or representation, express or implied about this site's accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose. We cannot be held responsible for any action that is taken based upon the information provided on this site. However, if you find anything that causes concern then please inform us.All items (including images, coding, data and ideas) contained under this domain name and at this site are copyright by and are fully protected by International Copyright laws. Question & Answer BoardBear in mind that millions of people around the world have access to this message board. Please therefore avoid posting anything that you would not want completely public. You can use the name "anonymous" or post a question and ask for a personal email reply.Q&A posted by visitors to this site are normally posted as written without editing therefore the opinions expressed are from the visitors to the site unless otherwise stated. We make no attempt to verify visitors identities or check the accuracy of what is posted here. Therefore use special care when evaluating visitors comments particularly regarding medical matters or treatments etc. We recommend that clients and families always seek advice and instructions for medical treatments from a medical practitioner. If you post an answer, try to ensure that is accurate and that you obtain permission if you post any copyrighted materials. Be aware that visitors posting will not be maintained indefinitely. We may, at our discretion, delete any posting and its content that we believe is inappropriate. We hope these basic policies will help keep the board accessible to everyone. If you would like to try a Q&A board for inclusion on your site - contact
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